Sunday, December 05, 2004

More on Pat Tillman

Columnist Phillip Carter feels that the Washington Post article on Pat Tillman's death by friendly fire doesn't diminish his sacrifice or his memory. It certainly shouldn't, and perhaps it wasn't intended to. The controversy, if that's what it is, centers on the Post's motives.

Mr. Carter has a deserved reputation for military expertise, not to mention an illustrious family name. However, he makes the mistake of giving the press too much credit. He apparently thinks that without this latest rehash by the Post, the Army won't take the friendly fire incident seriously and won't react appropriately. That's indicative of the prevailing attitude in the mainstream media that the government, including the military, is full of bumbling, dishonest, evil idiots who would sink the Republic if it weren't for the press.

There's plenty of evidence indicating most people are weary of self-important reporters and editors bashing the government, its leaders, and the people who serve in it. After the evidence of the past few years, including Dan Rather, the New York Times, et al., how could we be expected to feel otherwise?


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