Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cat Surgery in the Cafeteria

The Washington, D.C. school system is notorious for being, well, a disaster. Despite per-pupil spending that is among the very highest in the nation, the D.C. school system is consistently among the worst-performing. There are many contributors to the problem, including an incompetent and shady school administration, a corrupt teachers' union, and massive political confusion in the city government.

And now this. According to a report in the Washington Post, school was cancelled today at Eaton Elementary School because the school cafeteria was used over the weekend to sterlize and vaccinate more than 500 cats, mostly feral and stray cats. This was done under the auspices of Alley Cat Allies (a local non-profit group), the city Health Department, and the Washington Animal Rescue League.

Alley Cat Allies, the sponsor of the event, was responsible for cleaning up the cafeteria before school opened on Monday. However, they didn't start the job until late Sunday, and it wasn't finished on time.

Many parents said they weren't informed that the school intended to permit surgery to be performed on cats in the cafeteria. Not surprisingly, parents were outraged:

"The air was thick with the smell of urine," said Kelley Ellsworth, who lives in Cleveland Park and has three children. "I'm shocked that they would . . . cut up a cat in a school cafeteria."

Rhonda Buford Jones of Southwest, who has two children at the school, said she could only spend a few minutes inside the building because "the smells of the ether and all the other chemicals overwhelmed me."

In the understatement of the day, the chief of the D.C. Health Department's environmental health office said, "It probably was not the best place to carry out that service in hindsight."

And here's the final insult: The clean-up is going to cost between $5,000 and $10,000 and will be split between Alley Cat Allies and the D.C. government. In other words, the taxpayers, some of them parents who have to send their children back to this school to lunch in that cafeteria.

My housemate, Cat, shares the outrage of the parents, but for a different reason. Having been forcibly relieved of his gonads himself, he takes a dim view of cutting up cats, regardless of where it's done. He's thinking of starting a support group for this weekend's victims, and he's going to apply for a grant from the D.C. government to fund it. To learn more about Cat's general outlook on life and to see a picture of him engaged in his favorite pastime, go here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I just read your article about Cat and loved everyword. In my opinion, Cat's tendency to take food from the richer cats makes him more a democat than a republicat.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Mama Jones

11:22 PM, February 24, 2005  
Blogger Tom Carter said...

I wish I had thought of "Democat" and "Republicat" when I wrote that post!

By the way, I'm thinking of taking applications for my replacement as "Cat's mama." Interested? Please?

8:54 AM, February 25, 2005  
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